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God's Forgiveness

Read Galatians 4 and discuss how would one view God's forgiveness as a slave as opposed to a son? Think of the spiritual activities such as confession and repentance, prayer, reading the Bible etc...

Church Sign

أعلّمك وأرشدك الطريق التي تسلكها. انصحك.عيني عليك
مز 32: 8

I will instruct you and teach you in the way
you should go; I will guide you with My eye.
Ps. 32: 8

يا إله الفضائل أملنا اليك وأرنا وجهك فنخلص!ـ
القديس أغسطينوس

“Turn us again, O Lord God of Hosts, cause
thy face to shine; and we shall be saved"
(St. Augustine)

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